Thursday 30 January 2014

"Super Fridge"

                                                             Next Generation of Refrigeration

Scientist at the National physics laboratory and imperial college are working on a project which could completely change refrigeration industry.Traditional method could be replaced by a more efficient and environmentally friendly cooling alternative which uses the electro-caloric effect to develop new methods of cooling..

Electro-caloric effect:
                                       In which a material changes temperature under an applied electric field.

Present refrigeration working:
                                       Gas -> cooled -> condensed to liquid -> absorbs heat from the refrigeration area -> re-evaporate -> cycle continues.
The chemicals can be harmful to environment method also has low efficiency requires high energy.
Thermoelectric and magnetic cooling technologies have been put forward as Eco-friendly alternative to vapor compression.

It could potentially deliver higher efficiency than vapor compression.
It could also offer reduced size and weight making it viable for application like cooling electronics.


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